TRADITIONES • 34/1 • 2005

Objavil stanka, dne Tor, 20/10/2009 - 08:50.

Uredili / Volume Editors: Marija Klobčar in/and Jurij Fikfak s sodelovanjem/with collaboration of Marjeta Pisk

Marija Klobčar, Ob simpoziju o družbeni vlogi ljudske pesmi / A Symposium on the Social Role of Folk Song
Kajetan Gantar, Pozdravni govor na simpoziju Ljudska pesem kot družbeni izziv

Vinko Rajšp, Austrian State Policy and Its Interest in Slovenian Folk Culture
Eva Maria Hois, Folk Music Research in “Old” Austria and in “New” Europe Concerning Understanding between Nations and National Endeavors
Marija Klobčar, „The Young Sing Only Modern Songs,“ or The Large-Scale Program for Collecting Folk Songs between Expectations and Recognition
Rajko Muršič, Zapuščina zapisovalca ljudskih pesmi Gabrijela Majcna: o etnografiji v Slovenskih goricah na začetku 20. stoletja in stoletje kasneje
Fabio Chiocchetti & Roberto Starec, In Search of The “Ladin Song”: The Project Das Volkslied in Osterreich in The Ladin Areas of Tyrol and East Friuli (1904–1914)
Marjeta Pisk, Characteristics of Collecting Folksong Material at the Intersection of Peoples and Cultures: The OSNP Program in the Princely County of Gorizia and Gradisca
Vera Tiefenthaler, Josip Široki: Singer and Transcriber at The Same Time. An Analysis of His Aims, Methods, and Findings
Gerda Lechleitner, “Capturing” Sound: The Phonograph in (Early) Folk Music Research
Nicola Benz & Michaela Brodl, The Registration of Songs in The Infolk Database: A Virtual Network of Folk Song Archives in Austria
Drago Kunej, We Have Plenty of Words Written Down, We Need Melodies! The Purchase of The First Recording Device For Ethnomusicological Research in Slovenia
Mirko Ramovš, Metamorphoses of Slovenian Folk Dance
Iryna Fedun, The Folkdances of the Westrn Polissia Region of Ukraine: Traditions and Innovations
Tamara Karača Beljak, Bosnian Urban Traditional Song in Transformation: From Ludvik Kuba to Electronic Medias
Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Folk Song Today: Between Function and Aesthetics
Katalin Lázár, Why Play and Sing? The Role of Folk Games and Folk Songs in Everyday Life
Boštjan Narat, Ljudsko izročilo in sodobna (po)ustvarjalnost: (z)godba za 3 min in 12 sek
Katarina Juvančič, The Popularization of Slovenian Folk Music between the Local and Global: Redemption or Downfall of National Heritage
Tjaša Jakop, The Reception of Folk Songs by Children and Young People in Slovenia
Munib Maglajlić, The Legacy of Singer Hamdija Šahinpašić in Bosniac OralLiterary Tradition
Rebeka Kunej, Etnokoreolog Mirko Ramovš, sedemdesetletnik/Etnochoreologist MirkoRamovš, anniversary