Traditiones • 34/1 • 2005

Objavil stanka, dne Pon, 27/12/2010 - 12:01.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2005340107        (PDF )
Josip Široki: singer and transcriber at the same time. an analysis of his aims, methods, and findings
Vera Tiefenthaler
Avtorica poskuša razkriti, kako pomembna je dejavnost Josipa Širokija za zbirko ljudskih pesmi. Ta je namreč posebnega pomena, saj je pripravljal zbirko ljudskih pesmi v času, ko se je izvajal avstrijski projekt Das Volkslied in Österreich. Avtorica ugotavlja, da so se Širokove metode zelo razlikovale od splošnih metod tistega časa. Ob tem osvetljuje morebitne spodbude za zbirko ljudskih pesmi in govori o tem, kako so na njegovo delo vplivale druge vede.


The author’s aim was to discover what influence Josip Široki’s activities have had on folk song collection. This is of special interest because he was working on a collection of folk songs at the same time that the Austrian program Austrian Folk Songs was being carried out. It is shown that Široki’s methods differed significantly from the common methods applied at his time. In addition, light is shed on Široki’s possible motivation to collect folk songs and how his work was influenced by other disciplines.
Ključne besede
Josip Široki, Dunaj, fonografska zbirka, slavisti, interdisciplinarno delo


Josip Široki, Vienna, phonograph collection, Slavists, interdisciplinary work
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