TRADITIONES, 43/3/4-1, 2014

Objavil stanka, dne Fri, 04/07/2014 - 09:45.
DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2014430301
(PDF )
Naslov/Title In Search of Lost Volunteering (Iskanje izgubljenega prostovoljenja)
Avtor/Author Dan Podjed 


Raznoliki pogledi v tematskem bloku Traditiones prispevajo po eni strani k širitvi pojma prostovoljstvo, po drugi strani pa k njegovemu uveljavljanju in utrjevanju. Na ta način se širijo tudi meje družbenega sveta, v katerem živimo, in kognitivni domet ljudi v skupnostih, ki skušajo razumeti, zakaj posamezniki, pa tudi organizacije in neformalne skupnosti doma in na tujem, počnejo nekaj, od česar vsaj navidez nimajo koristi.


The different approaches presented in this thematic section of Traditiones help broaden the concept of volunteerism, but also establish and reinforce its importance, which enables us to expand the limits of the social world that we live in, and increase the cognitive range of people in communities that strive to understand why individuals, as well as organisations and informal communities at home and abroad, do something that seemingly does not benefit them.

Ključne besede prostovoljec, altruizem, vzajemnost, solidarnost, egoizem, dajanje

Keywords volunteer, altruism, mutuality, solidarity, egoism, giving


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