TRADITIONES, 43/3/4-7, 2014

Objavil stanka, dne Fri, 05/12/2014 - 09:59.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2014430402 (PDF )

Naslov/Title Razmerje med nacionalnimi in nadnacionalnimi identitetami v civilni misiji Evropske unije na Kosovu EULEX/The relationship between national and supranational identities in the European union rule of law mission in Kosovo (EULEX)

Avtorica/Author Sara Arko


Članek na podlagi etnografske raziskave v misiji Evropske unije za krepitev pravne države na Kosovu (EULEX) predstavi dinamiko med nacionalnimi in nadnacionalnimi identitetami skozi preplet treh vidikov istovetenja: soočanje z raznolikostjo v mednarodni misiji, trdovratnost posameznikove nacionalne identitete in percepcije evropske identitete. Članek obravnava transnacionalne izkušnje in svetovljansko držo v razmerju z (nad)nacionalnimi identitetami posameznikov, ki jim delo v misijah pomeni način življenja.


Based on ethnographic research, this article explores the dynamics between national and supranational identities in the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) through three aspects of identification processes: coping with diversity in an international mission, the persistent importance of the national, and perceptions of European identity. The article deals with transnational experiences and cosmopolitan attitudes in relation to the (supra)national identities of individuals that perceive working in missions as a way of life.

Ključne besede: EULEX Kosovo, nacionalne identitete, evropska identiteta, svetovljanstvo

Keywords: EULEX Kosovo, national identities, European identity, cosmopolitanism


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