Traditiones, 42-1, 2013, 45–69

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DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2013420103   (PDF )

Naslov/Title »Čista havajska kri« kot merilo oblikovanja skupine havajskih staroselcev/“Pure hawaiian blood” as a criteria for formation of the group of hawaiian natives

Avtorica/Author Vesna V. Godina

Izvleček Besedilo primerja dva različna načina uporabe koncepta »čista havajska kri« v današnji havajski družbi: prvi je utemeljen na Hawaiian Homes Commission Act in ga uveljavlja havajska država, drugega prakticirajo havajski staroselci. Pokazala bom, kako sta ti rabi istega koncepta povezani z dvema skupinama različnih, celo izključujočih se družbenih in političnih praks: najprej s praksami segregacije in asimilacije, ki jih nad havajskimi staroselci izvaja dana- šnja havajska država, in drugič s praksami revitalizacije in emancipacije, ki jih prakticirajo havajski staroselci. V besedilu so uporabljeni empirični podatki, ki jih je avtorica zbrala pri terenskem delu na Havajih.

Abstract  The article compares two different uses of the concept of “pure Hawaiian blood” in contemporary Hawaiian society: one based on the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act and practiced by the contemporary Hawaiian state; and the second one practiced by the Hawaiian native population not only in contemporary Hawaiian society, but also among various groups of Hawaiian native population in the USA. I will demonstrate that these two uses of the same concept are connected with two different, incompatible social and political practices. The first is a practice of segregation and assimilation, implemented by the Hawaiian state. The second practice is one of revitalization and emancipation, which is observed by Hawaiian natives. In this study I will use data collected during my field work on Hawai’i (January 2003-December 2003).

Ključne besede
»čista havajska kri«, havajski staroselci, Havaji, Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, havajska renesansa.


“pure Hawaiian blood”, Hawaiian natives, Hawai’i, Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, Hawaiian renaissance..

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