Traditiones, 41-2, 2012, 41–52

Objavil stanka, dne Pon, 15/07/2013 - 12:03.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2012410203        (PDF )

“Emplaced” Tradition: The Continuity of Folk Tradition in the Landscape

Katja Hrobat Virloget

Od izgona “ ljudskega” iz akademskega diskurza se zdi raziskovanja ljudskega izročila za današnjega etnologa nekako neprimerno. Vendar, v pokrajino so vtisnjeni kolektivni spomin in pomen, ki ga ji daje tradicija. V tradiciji v kraju je mogoče zaznati kontinuiteto, ki vsebuje spremembe. Namen članka je pokazati nove razsežnosti raziskovanja in pomenov, če tradicijo raziskujemo iz prostorsko-krajevnega vidika.

Since the expulsion of “ folk” from the academic discourse the research of folk traditions seems inappropriate for a modern ethnologist. However, the landscapes are endowed with collective memory and meaning, given by the tradition. In the “emplaced” tradition can be discerned some continuity by which continuity includes change. Moreover, the aim of the paper is to show new dimensions of research and meanings, if the tradition is researched from the space-place perspective.

Ključne besede
ljudsko izročilo, kontinuiteta, pokrajina, spomin, Kras

folk tradition, continuity, landscape, memory, Karst

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