Traditiones, 41-1, 2012, 159–174

Objavil stanka, dne Čet, 11/07/2013 - 13:26.


DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2012410114        (PDF )

Ritualism as a Reflection of Social Transformation and the Researcher’s (Lack of) Power

Marija Klobčar

Prispevek z upodobitvijo različnih pogledov na kamniško folkloristično prireditev Dnevi narodnih noš in oblačilne dediščine odpira vprašanja odnosa raziskovalcev do teh kulturnih fenomenov. Z analizo geneze kamniške prireditve razkriva njene družbene pomene, hkrati pa analizira razloge za to, da je prireditev v očeh nekaterih dobila pomen rituala. Medtem ko ima prireditev Dnevi narodnih noš in oblačilne dediščine
za nekatere to vlogo še danes, je postopno dobivala tudi povsem drugačne pomene. Raziskovalec je ob tem opazovalec, na željo prirediteljev pa tudi svetovalec, pri čemer se sooča s številnimi dilemami, povezanimi z vprašanji avtentičnosti. Prispevek zato vlogo raziskovalca postavlja v kontekst tistih pogledov, ki problematizirajo njegovo apriorno pozicijo in opozarjajo na to, da bi moral raziskovalec stopiti na raven informatorjev. Glede na različne pomene, ki jih ima prireditev za posameznike, in glede na različne odnose do folklorizma, ki jih prispevek prepoznava tako pri prirediteljih kot pri udeležencih, se sprašuje, katerega od teh pogledov naj ob tem upošteva.

This paper describes various views of the Kamnik folklore event Traditional Costume and Clothing Heritage Days in order to illuminate the relationship researchers have with these cultural phenomena. It analyzes the origins of the Kamnik event, revealing its social significance, and also analyzes the reasons that this event has attained ritual status for some. Although the event still plays this role today for some people, it has gradually also gained completely different meanings. The researcher is present as an observer, but also as an advisor when asked by the organizers, at which point he is faced with numerous issues connected with the concept of authenticity. This article therefore places the researcher’s role within the context of views that problematize his a priori position and call attention to the fact that the researcher should participate at the level of informer. Considering the varied meanings this event has for individuals, and considering their diverse relations to folklorism, which are recognized in both the organizers and the participants, the question is which of these views ought to be taken into account.

Ključne besede
pripadnostno kostumiranje, ritualnost, avtentičnost, folklorizem, Kamnik

group-specific costume, ritualism, authenticity, folklorism, Kamnik

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