Traditiones, 39-1, 2010, 217–223

Objavil stanka, dne Fri, 24/05/2013 - 10:28.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2010390116        (PDF )

A Few Impressions on the Sava Slovenian Society in Belgrade

Monika Kropej

V prispevku je predstavljenih nekaj odlomkov iz življenja Slovencev v Beogradu in dejavnosti članov društva beograjskih Slovencev »Sava«. Poudarjen je pomen njihovega aktivnega druženja, predvsem športnega in kulturnega, ter vloga katoliške cerkve, ki jo je imela pri ustanavljanju društva.

This paper presents a few impressions from the lives of Slovenians in Belgrade and the activities of the members of the Sava Slovenian Society in Belgrade. The emphasis is on the importance of their social gatherings, especially in terms of sports and culture, and the role of the Catholic Church in establishing the society.

Ključne besede
Slovenci, Beograd, Društvo Slovencev »Sava«, izseljenci

Slovenians, Belgrade, Sava Slovenian Society, emigrants