TRADITIONES, 35-2, 2006, 99–103

Objavil stanka, dne Čet, 25/11/2010 - 10:19.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2006350204        (PDF )
Graz and the Slovenians
Stane Granda
Gradec je bil vse do prve svetovne vojne upravno, kulturno, gospodarsko in politično središče Štajerskega, v katerem so Slovenci predstavljali tretjino prebivalstva. Tako kot Trst na zahodu slovenskega etničnega ozemlja je bil vabljivo mesto za družbeni vzpon in kariere številnih Slovencev. Do 1919, tj. do ustanovitve univerze v Ljubljani, je bila graška univerza ob Dunaju in manj Zagrebu tudi glavno univerzitetno središče Slovencev. Gradec je bil mesto, v katerem so se porajale in uresničevale številne nove zamisli.


Until the First World War, Graz was the administrative, cultural, economic, and political center of Styria, in which Slovenians represented one third of the population. Thus, like Trieste on the west of Slovenian ethnic territory, the city attracted many Slovenians interested in advancing themselves socially and building careers. Until the founding of the University of Ljubljana in 1919, alongside the universities in Vienna and (to a lesser extent) Zagreb, the University of Graz was also a major university center for Slovenians. Graz was a city in which many new ideas were engendered and came to fruition.
Ključne besede
Gradec, univerza, Slovenci


Graz, university, Slovenians