Traditiones, 36-1, 2007, 169–176

Objavil stanka, dne Wed, 05/05/2010 - 12:31.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2007360112        (PDF )
The Imperio in the Azores. The Five Senses in Rituals to the Holy Spirit
Maria Santa Montez
Avtorica opisuje, kako in kateri čuti so pomembni pri ritualu “Imperio” (vladar) na Azorskih otokih. Obred je povezan s čaščenjem Svetega duha, ki je poznano že od 13. stoletja. Globoko zakoreninjena ritualna praksa je posebna kolektivna vrednota v lokalnih skupnosti, posebej je pomembna priseljencem iz Združenih držav Amerike in Kanade.


The author describes what senses are significant, and how, in the ritual Imperio festival that takes place in the Azores and has been connected with the veneration of the Holy Spirit since the 13th century. This deeply-rooted ritual practice has a special collective value within local communities and is especially cherished by emigrants to the United States and Canada.
Ključne besede
Sveti duh, »Imperio«, Azorski otoki, ritual, čuti


Holy Spirit, Imperio, Azores, sense, ritual