Traditiones • 34/1 • 2005

Objavil stanka, dne Pon, 27/12/2010 - 12:12.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2005340117        (PDF )

The popularization of Slovenian folk music between the local and global: redemption or downfall of national heritage
Katarina Juvančič
S pomočjo kulturnih, političnih, časovnih in prostorskih premen avtorica opazuje dinamični preplet ljudske glasbe v lokalnem, nacionalnem in globalnem kontekstu ter jih pojasnjuje na podlagi konkretnih primerov. Pozornost usmeri na vlogo kulturne politike, znanosti in drugih akterjev v procesu nacionalizacije ljudske glasbe v preteklosti in danes, pri čemer podrobneje preizprašuje koncept tradicije in njegovo rabo v slovenskih folklorističnih in folk revival diskurzih.


Through cultural and political changes, and different periods of time and locations, this article observes the dynamic variation of folk music in the local, national, and global context and illustrates this with examples. It focuses on the role of cultural policy, scholarship, and other factors in the process of the nationalization of folk music in the past and present, and questions the concept and use of the term “tradition” in Slovenian folklore and folk revival discourses.
Ključne besede
ljudska glasba, folk revival, nacionalizacija, globalizacija, tradicija


folk music, folk revival, nationalization, globalization, tradition
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