Traditiones • 34/2 • 2005

Objavil stanka, dne Fri, 10/12/2010 - 09:19.
DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2005340205        (PDF
On the Reception and Production of Harmony. Some Points of Departure Based on the Škoromati
Jurij Fikfak
Avtor razpravlja o dilemi, pred katero je (bil) postavljen pretekli in  sodobni raziskovalec ljudskega življenja. Mnogi izvajalci ponujajo  raziskovalcu harmonično, idealnotipsko podobo ritualne prakse, s  katero želijo opozoriti na preteklo harmonijo. Na ta način se lahko  raziskovalec ujame v podobe sveta, s katerimi izvajalec oblikuje  vaško identiteto in s katerimi zamrzne čas; na drugi strani pa lahko  raziskovalec odkrije kontekst neravnin, znotraj katerih poteka  njegovo raziskovanje, kot samopredstavitev lokalne skupnosti in  njenih najpomembnejših predstavnikov.
The author discusses a dilemma faced by previous and contemporary researchers of folk life. Many performers offer the researcher a harmonic, ideal-typical image of a ritual practice through which they wish to draw attention to former harmony. In this way the researcher can become wrapped up in images of the world through which the performers shape the identity of the village and can serve to freeze time – or the researcher may discover the contexts of the unevenness within which his or her research takes place as the self-presentation of a local community and its significant representatives.
Ključne besede
harmonija, informator, raziskovalec, tujec, outsider 

harmony, informer, researcher, ritual, outsider

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