Submitted by stanka on Mon, 22/05/2006 - 12:56.

Mojca RAVNIK, Assist. Prof. Dr., Research Advisor

Mojca Ravnik was born in 1947 in Ljubljana. In 1970 she graduated in ethnology and art history at the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. Between 1971 and 1983 she worked at the Faculty's Department of Ethnology, at first as a librarian and later as an assistant. From 1983 to 1988 she worked as an ethnologist and conservator at the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Piran Unit. Since 1988 she has been working for the ISE.


She was the coordinator of the project “Ethnological Cultural Heritage – Evaluation and Protection” (1997–1999) and the program “Ethnological Research of Culture in Slovenia and Across the Borders” (1999– 2003). Currently she is coordinating the program “Ethnological and Folklore Research in the Slovenian and European Cultural Environment” (2004–2008). She was the editor of the journal Traditiones (no. 20, 1991) and a member of the editorial board of the Slovenski etnološki leksikon (Lexicon of Slovenian Ethnology).

Fields of research: urban ethnology, protection of cultural heritage, social culture.

Selected publications:
Galjevica. Partizanska knjiga, Ljubljana.
1988 Vprašanja o istrskem stavbarstvu. Traditiones 17, 1988, str. 121-134.
1996 Bratje, sestre, strniči, zermani : družina in sorodstvo v vaseh v Slovenski Istri. Ljubljana, Koper.
2003 Družina in selitveni pojavi v Nadiških dolinah v Beneški Sloveniji. Traditiones 32, 1, str. 29-55.
2004 Sv. Štefan v Zanigradu, praznik sorodstva, vasi in soseske. Traditiones 33, 1, str. 97 – 115.
2005 Sv. Štefan v Zanigradu ob desetletnici žegnanja konj : popravki in dopolnitve. Traditiones 34, 2, str. 255-259.

2006 Celebrations in the Idrija River Valley of Slovenian Entrance into the European Union. Traditiones 35, 1, str. 167-182.


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