Submitted by stanka on Mon, 22/05/2006 - 10:16.

Maja GODINA GOLIJA, Assist. Prof. Dr., Research Advisor

  Maja Godina Golija was born in 1960 in Maribor. She completed her studies in ethnology and philosophy in 1986 at Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts, where she received her master's degree in 1990 and her doctoral degree in 1995, both in the field of ethnology. During her master's studies she did additional study and training in Prague and Łódź. During her doctoral studies she spent three semesters at the University of Münster, where she attended a seminar in European ethnology.

Since 1996 she has been working in the section for material culture at the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, where she primarily studies Slovenian food. In 2003 she became an assistant professor for Slovenian ethnology at Maribor's Faculty of Education. She is also a lecturer in natural and cultural heritage at the Higher Vocational School for Catering and Tourism in Maribor. At the graduate School for the Study of Ideas and Cultures of the Nova Gorica Polytehnic and the SRC SASA, she gives lectures in the topic "Language of Objects: Chapters from Slovenian Material Culture."

Godina Golija is a member of the executive presidency of the International Commission for Research into European Food History, the Slovenian Ethnological Society, the International Commission for Ethnological Food Research and the editorial board of the SRC SASA Historical Seminar. In 2002 and 2003 she was chief editor of the journal Traditiones.

Since 2010 she is head of the Research Units of SRC SASA in Maribor and in Prekmurje.

Fields of research:
– Food ethnology,
– History of ethnology,
– Theory and methodology of ethnological research,
– Urban ethnology.

Selected publications:

1986 Maribor 1919-1941. Oris družabnega življenja. Maribor.
1992 Iz mariborskih predmestij. O življenju in kulturi mariborskih delavcev v letih od leta 1919 do 1941. Maribor. 
1996 Prehrana v Mariboru v dvajsetih in tridesetih letih 20. stoletja. Maribor.
2000 Forest Fruits and Mushrooms in the Food Culture of Slovenes in the Twentieth Century. V: Food from Nature: Attitudes, Strategies and Culinary Practices. Uppsala: 209-216.
2002 Izbrana poglavja iz življenja Mariborčanov od leta 1860 do 1941. V: Studia Historica Slovenica, letnik 2, št. 1, 229-251.
2003 Food culture in Slovene urban inns and restaurants between the end of the nineteenth century and World War II. V: Eating out in Europe : picnics, gourmet dining and snacks since the late eighteenth century. Oxford; New York: 125-135.

2004 The influence of cookbooks on food culture in Slovenia in the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century. V: Changing tastes : food culture and the processes of industrialization. Basel,  191-197.

2005 Ložarjeve raziskave prehrane. V: I. Slavec Gradišnik, H. Ložar Podlogar (ur.), Pretrgane korenine : sledi življenja in dela Rajka Ložarja, (Opera ethnologica slovenica). Ljubljana, 345-352.

2006 Prehranski pojmovnik za mlade. Maribor.

2006 Franc Ferk in njegov pomen za muzejsko in narodopisno dejavnost na Slovenskem Štajerskem. V: Traditiones, letn. 35, št. 1. Ljubljana 2006, 207-218.

2006 The influence of Mediterranean food on Slovenian food habits. V: LYSAGHT, Patricia (ur.). Mediterranean food : concepts and trends : proceedings of the 15th International Ethnological Food Research Conference, Dubrovnik, 27 September - 3 October, 2004, (Biblioteka Nova etnografija). Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research: Ethnographic museum. Zagreb 2006, 65-74.

2007 Die materielle Kultur der Slowenen im 'Kronprinzenwerk'. V: FIKFAK, Jurij (ur.), JOHLER, Reinhard (ur.). Ethnographie in serie : zu Produktion und Rezeption der "österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie in Wort und Bild", (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien, Band 28). Wien: Verlag des Instituts für Europäische Ethnologie, Dunaj 2007, 236-248.

2008 Oblikovanje sodobnega potrošnika : o spremembah v preskrbi in pridelavi živil na Slovenskem. Etnolog, N. vrsta (Ljubl.), 2008, letn. 18=(69), str. 95-111.

2008 Materialne sledi kulture : prazniki in praznična miza Slovencev v 20. in 21. stoletju. Traditiones. - Inšt. slov. narodop. Ljublj., 2008, vol. 37, št. 2, str. 111-167.

2009 Slovenske kuharske knjige od 1868 do 1940 : vir za razumevanje vsakdanjika. V: Rezine poželenja. Univerza v Novi Gorici, str. 9-18, 50.

2009 O kulinarični dediščini, narodnih jedeh, gostinski in turistični dejavnosti. V: Turist kao gost. Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb. Str.

2009 Slovene food consumption in the twentieth century : from self-sufficiency to mass consumerism. V: The rise of obesity in Europe. Farnham, Burlington: Ashgate, str. 45-57.

2010 Maribor coffee houses during 1900-1940. V: Teme 34, 3 : 909-920. 


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