Traditiones, 43-1-8, 2014

Submitted by stanka on Tue, 02/12/2014 - 09:57.

DOI 10.3986/TRADITIO2014430108 (PDF )

Naslov/Title Od optužbe do heroizma: slučaj hrvatskog ratnog generala/From Conviction to Heroism: The Case of a Croatian War General

Avtor/Author Tomislav Pletenac


Leta 2001 je bila objavljena obtožnica proti generalu Anteju Gotovini, vojaškem generalu Hrvaške vojske zaradi zločinov, storjenih med in po akciji Nevihta. Med begom, zaporom in poznejšo izpustitvijo iz zapora je mogoče zaslediti različne premike in razpoke v hrvaški družbi in popularni kulturi, ki so tesno povezani z vprašanji suverenosti in nacioalne identitete.


In 2001, Ante Gotovina, one of the Croatian generals in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, was prosecuted by the ICTY for war crimes committed during the last operation by the Croatian Army, Operation Storm. During his flee, imprisonment and later release we can trace different shifts and splits in Croatian society and popular culture that are closely linked with sovereignty and national identity.

Ključne besede: nacionalizem, suverenost, vojna, hajduk, popularna kultura

Keywords: nationalism, sovereignty, war, hajduk, outlaw, popular culture


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