TRADITIONES, 43/3/4-2, 2014

Submitted by stanka on Fri, 04/07/2014 - 11:27.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2014430302

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Naslov/Title Selfsh Giving? Volunteering Motivations and the Morality of Giving (Sebično dajanje? Motivi prostovoljcev in moralnost obdarovanja)

Avtorica/Author Tomoko Hayakawa 


Prispevek sledi teorijam o menjavi darov in se poglablja v koncept prostovoljskega darovanja na področju socialnega dela v Londonu. Ob analizi motivacije prostovoljcev se posveča trem vidikom: 1. instrumentalizaciji prostovoljstva kot nadomestka za plačano deo, 2. percepciji neenakosti v primerjavi prejemnikov storitev in prostovoljcev, 3. Vlogi prostovoljskih organizacij, ki vzpostavljajo moralnost darovanja. Osrednja ugotovitev članka je, da je prostovoljstvo v svojem bistvu dihotomno in se udejanja v nenehnem procesu pogajanja in prilagajanja pomenov.


 Following gift exchange theories, this paper explores the concept of giving in volunteering for community care in London. By looking at volunteering motivations, it explores three facets of volunteering: 1) an instrumental use of volunteering as a substitute for paid work, 2) the perceived power inequality between service users and volunteers, 3) the role of voluntary organisations that sets the morality of giving. It concludes that volunteering is characterised by its dual nature, and there is a constant process of negotiation of meaning and appropriation of its expression.

Ključne besede prostovoljstvo, menjava darov, samoizpolnitev, moralnost darovanja, neplačano delo

Keywords volunteering, gift exchange, self-fulfillment, morality of giving, unpaid work


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