Traditiones, 40-2, 2011, 79–95

Submitted by stanka on Thu, 13/06/2013 - 10:00.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2011400205       (PDF )

Herder, Kollár, and the Origins of Slavic Ethnography

Alexsander Maxwell

Filozofija Johanna Gottfrieda von Herderja je močno zaznamovala zamisli pesnika Jána Kollárja. Kljub temu pa Kollár ni bil zgolj “odvod” za prenos Herderjevih idej, saj je njegovo filozofsko razmišljanje izbral, interpretiral in preoblikoval ter tako postavil temelje lastnega literarnega panslavizma.

Philosophy of Johann Gottfried von Herder thoroughly informed ideas of a poet Ján Kollár. Nevertheless, Kollár was more than merely a conduit for transmitting Herder’s ideas: he selected, interpreted and transformed Herder’s philosophy in the service of his literary Pan-Slavism.

Ključne besede
Johann Gottfried von Herder, Ján Kollár, slovanska etnografija, filozofija, razsvetljenstvo, romantika

Johann Gottfried von Herder, Ján Kollár, Slavic ethnography, philosophy, Enlightenment, Romantics

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