Traditiones • 33/1 • 2004

Submitted by stanka on Tue, 04/01/2011 - 10:11.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2004330101        (PDF )
Social structure and freedom. The semiotic study of cultures
Irene Portis-Winner
Avtorica obravnava nevšečne dihotomije, značilne za znanost v vseh njenih razsežnostih. Predstavljeno je, kako različne se rešitve prežemajo in si nasprotujejo in kako vplivajo na naše dojemanje pri raziskavah kulture. Razpravo sklene nekaj rešitev iz avtoričine študije transnacionalne skupnosti v Sloveniji in Združenih državah. 


I consider some troubling dichotomies which are pertinent to scholarship in all its dimensions. I look at how their various solutions interpenetrate as well as contradict each other, and how they affect our perceptions in the study of culture. I conclude with some applications from my own study of a transnational community in Slovenia and in the United States.
Ključne besede
semiotika, transnacionalno 


Semiotics, transnational.
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