Traditiones • 34/1 • 2005

Submitted by stanka on Mon, 27/12/2010 - 12:03.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2005340108        (PDF )
“Capturing” sound: the phonograph in (early) folk music research
Gerda Lechleitner
Čeprav so zbirke ljudske glasbe v pisni obliki obstajale že dolgo, je iznajdba zvočnega snemanja – z današnjega gledišča – označevala “resnične” začetke raziskovanja ljudske glasbe in je vedi dodala popolnoma nov vidik. Uporaba snemalne naprave na področju etnomuzikologije sicer ni bila vprašljiva – pravzaprav je bila predpogoj, kot je izraženo v predlogu za ustanovitev dunajskega Phonogrammarchiva –, vendar so imeli nekateri raziskovalci ljudske glasbe resne pomisleke, ali je takšna naprava sploh potrebna, saj so se bali, da bi lahko ‘uničila’ posneto glasbo. Danes, po sto letih glasbenega dokumentiranja, razlikujemo med govorom (resničnim zvokom) in zapisom, med komercialnimi in raziskovalnimi posnetki, med posnetki za različne namene in posnetki, ki so odraz različnih situacij. Prispevek obravnava spremembe v raziskovanju ljudske glasbe od prvih posnetkov, vpliv in sprejem nove tehnologije, upošteva pa tudi zgodovinski okvir.


Even though folk music collections rich in written documents had existed for a long time, it was the invention of sound recording that – from today’s point of view – marked the “real” beginnings of folk music research and added an entirely new aspect to the discipline. However, although the use of a recording machine was undisputed in the field of ethnomusicology – and indeed a prerequisite, as stated in the motion to establish the Vienna Audiovisual Research Archive – some folk music researchers had serious doubts whether such an apparatus would be necessary at all, fearing that it might “destroy” the music recorded and render it “lifeless.” Today, after 100 years of sound recording, we must distinguish between speech (real sound) and writing, between commercial and research recordings, and recordings made for different purposes and reflecting different needs. This paper deals with the change in folk music research since the very first recordings, the influence and acceptance of the new technology, and aspects of the historical framework.
Ključne besede
zvočno zapisovanje, Phonogrammarchiv, posnetki ljudske glasbe, raziskovalec ljudske glasbe, Pommer


sound recording, Phonogrammarchiv, folk music recordings, folk music researcher, Pommer
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