Traditiones, 38-2, 2009, 181–199

Submitted by stanka on Thu, 18/11/2010 - 09:58.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2009380212        (PDF )
Inheritances: Possession, Ownership, and Responsibility.
Regina Bendix
Dediščina se navadno nanaša na materialno lastnino, ki se s pokojnika/pokojnice prenese na njegove/njene dediče. Z razširitvijo s tem povezanega koncepta dediščine/izročila in brstečimi kulturnimi praksami, ki so z njim povezane, se spoprijemamo z vprašanji odgovornosti in lastništva pri razsežnejši skupini akterjev. Članek obravnava analogije med dediščino in izročilom. Kako se razlikujejo problemi lastništva in odgovornosti na družinski in globalni ravni? Posebej je zapleteno, ko se lastništvo poveže s pričakovanji za varovanje dediščine in ko se snovno izročilo razširi na območje nesnovnega. Proces sam po sebi vodi h komodifikaciji kulture, oplemenitene z upravljanjem dediščine. Režimi upravljanja nesnovne dediščine odločilno prispevajo k obravnavi delov kulture kot prenovljivega, čeprav krhkega vira.


Inheritance traditionally refers to material possessions passed on from a deceased person to his or her heirs. With the expansion of the related concept of heritage and the emergent cultural practices associated with it, questions of responsibility and ownership arise on a much larger scale of actors. This paper explores the analogies and differences between inheritance and heritage. How do issues of ownership and responsibility differ between a familial and global context? Ownership coupled with expectations of safeguarding is particularly complex when material heritage is expanded to the realm of the intangible. The process inherently furthers the path toward the commodification of cultural expressions ennobled through heritage regimes. Intangible heritage regimes are a contributing factor for treating excerpts of culture as a renewable (albeit fragile) resource.
Ključne besede
dediščina, izročilo, skupna kultura, lastništvo kulture, kulturni viri


inheritance, heritage, cultural commons, cultural ownership, cultural resources
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