Traditiones, 38-2, 2009, 73–88

Submitted by stanka on Thu, 18/11/2010 - 09:52.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2009380206        (PDF )
Embodying Borders and Performing Conflicting Identities in some Polish Family Narratives.
Nicoletta Diasio
Članek predstavlja antropološko raziskavo družinskih pripovedi o spominih in identiteti v Varšavi, kakor se oblikujejo v socialnih telesnih praksah. Ob prepraševanju družbene konstrukcije družinskih podobnosti kaže na spremenljivo zamisel o “poljskosti”, o vlogi ženskih aktivnosti in ženskega sorodstva pri posredovanju pripadnosti, pa tudi o dolgotrajnem imaginariju, ki ga podpira družinski spomin, povezan z večjezično in večkulturno Poljsko. Tako telo podpira uprizarjanje pluralnih identitet med naturalizacijo in zgodovinjenjem.


The article presents an anthropological research on family narratives on memory and identities in Warsaw, as they are made in social bodily practices. Questioning the social construction of family resemblances, it points out the changing idea of “Polishness”, the role of women’s activities and feminine blood in transmitting this belonging, but also a long-lasting imaginary, sustained by family memory, relating to a multilingual and multicultural Poland. Thus, the body is the support of performing plural identities between naturalization and historicization.
Ključne besede
družinske podobnosti, spomin, identiteta, Vzhod, Zahod


family resemblance, memory, identity, East, West
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