Traditiones, 37-1, 2008, 23–46

Submitted by stanka on Wed, 14/04/2010 - 10:07.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2008370102       (PDF )
Fundamentals of Slovenian Paremiology (Osnove slovenske paremiologije)
Peter Grzybek
Razprava obravnava nekatera glavna vprašanja dokumentacije in raziskovanja pregovorov na splošno in še posebej slovenskih pregovorov. Avtor zagovarja tesno vzajemno povezavo med paremiografijo in paremiologijo. Pri tem prikaže in komentira prve izsledke empiričnega študija seznanjenosti s slovenskimi pregovori ne le z ozirom na njihov pomen za paremiografijo, temveč tudi za jezikoslovne, poetične in druge analize.


This article discusses some major theoretical issues concerning the documentation and study of proverbs in general, and of Slovenian proverbs in particular. The author argues in favor of a close interplay between paremiography and paremiology, and places particular emphasis on empirical methods in paremiology. Some initial results of an empirical study on familiarity with Slovenian proverbs are presented and discussed with regard to their relevance not only for paremiography, but also for linguistic, poetic, and other analyses.
Ključne besede
pregovor (teorija, definicija, klasifikacija), paremiografija, paremiologija, empirični prijemi, metode


Proverb (theory, definition, classification), paremiography, paremiology, empirical approaches
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