Submitted by stanka on Mon, 22/05/2006 - 10:58.


Monika KROPEJ, Dr., Research Advisor


Monika Kropej was born on 14 February 1956 in Ljubljana, where she completed classical secondary school in 1974. In 1980 she graduated in ethnology and art history from Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. Since 1983 she has worked at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana as a curator and education specialist, and since 1985 she has been an associate of the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology. In 1989 she received her master's degree at the Department of Ethnology at Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts by presenting her thesis titled Karel Štrekelj in njegova narodopisna zapuščina (Karel Štrekelj and his Ethnological Legacy).
In 1993 she defended her doctoral dissertation, titled Ljudska kultura v slovenskih ljudskih pravljicah in povedkah, na primerih iz Štrekljeve zapuščine (Folk Culture in Slovenian Folk Tales Based on Examples from Štrekelj's Estate).

She cooperates with the University of Udine's Center for Plurilinguism in research, and together with Roberto Dapit realized a joint project preservation of audio recordings of folk stories that Milko Matičetov made in Resia between 1960 and 1981. She also cooperates with the University of Udine's Department of Languages and Cultures of Central and Eastern Europe in the publication of the international journal Studia mythologica Slavica
(from 1998) and the accompanying book series Studia mythologica Slavica Supplementa. Since 1999 she is the coeditor of the collection “Zakladnica slovenskih pripovedi” (Treasury of Slovenian Tales).

She is a member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR), the International Society for Contemporary Legend Research (ISCLR), and the Slovenian Ethnological Society.

From 1 November 2002 to 31 October 2010 she has been the director of the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology.

Awards: 1996 Golden Medal of SRC SASA.

Research interests:
Ethnology, folk narrative, contemporary legends, fairytales, folk tales, history of ethnology, incantations, mythology, folk medicine, folk beliefs.

Ongoing research:
Index of Slovenian folk tales and research on the history of Slovenian ethnology, urban legends, Slovenian myths and legends.

Selected publications: 


1995 Pravljica in stvarnost. Odsev stvarnosti v slovenskih ljudskih pravljicah in povedkah ob primerih iz Štrekljeve zapuščine (Folk Tale and Reality. The Reflection of Reality in Slovenian Folk Tales Based on Examples from Štrekelj's Legacy), Ljubljana, Založba ZRC.
2001 Karel Štrekelj. Iz vrelcev besedne ustvarjalnosti (Karel Štrekelj. From the Springs of Poetics), Ljubljana, Založba ZRC.
2003 Charms in the Context of Magic Practice. The Case of Slovenia. Folklore 24, Tartu: 62–77.
2003 Po sledeh ljudskega pripovedništva v Rožu. Traditiones 32/1, Ljubljana: 57–81.
2003: Cosmology and Deities in Slovene Folk Narrative and Song Tradition. Studia mythologica Slavica 6, Ljubljana-Udine 2003, 121–148.
2004: Sodobne zgodbe študentov Univerze v Ljubljani. Traditiones 33/1, Ljubljana 2004, 175–200.
2004: Roberto Dapit, Monika Kropej: Zlatorogovi Čudežni vrtovi: Slovenske pripovedi o zmajih, belih gamsih, zlatih pticahg in drugih bajnih živalih. Zbirka: Zakladnica slovenskih pripovedi. Radovljica: DIDAKTA 2004.
2005: Contemporary Legends from the Slovene Karst in Comparison with Fairylore and Belief Traditions. Studia mythologica Slavica 8, Ljubljana-Udine 2005, 227-250.
2005: France Kramar in njegova zbirka »Ižanskega in drugega narodnega blaga«. Traditiones 34, Ljubljana 2005.
2005: La volpe nella tradizione narrativa, poetica e figurativa slovena. V: Rainaldo : la volpe in Alpe Adria e dintorni : letteratura, arte, tradizioni, ambiente. Udine: Roberto Vattori, 2005, 67-80.
2006: La leggenda dell'auricorno e la mitologia delle Alpi slovene. V: FURTER, Reto (ur.), HEAD-KÖNIG, Anne-Lise (ur.), LORENZETTI, Luigi (ur.). Cultures alpines, (Histoire des Alpes, 2006, 11). Zürich: Chronos, cop. 2006, 203-213.
2006 Magic as reflected in Slovenian folk tradition and popular healing today. V: KLANICZAY, Gábor (ur.), PÓCS, Éva (ur.). Christian demonology and popular mythology, (Demons, spirits, witches, 2). Budapest; New York: Central European University Press Budimpešta 2006, 194-201.
2007 Folk narrative in the era of electronic media : a case study in Slovenia : paper presented at the 14th congress of the ISFNR, Tartu, July 26-31, 2005. Fabula, 2007, bd. 48, h. 1/2. Tartu 2007, 1-15.
2007 Lisica : njena vloga in sporočilnost v slovenskem in srednjeevropskem izročilu. Traditiones, letn. 36, št. 2. Ljubljana 2007, 115-142.
2008 Od ajda do zlatoroga : slovenska bajeslovna bitja. Celovec; Ljubljana; Dunaj: Mohorjeva, 2008. 352 str.
2008 Slovene midwinter : deities and personifications of days in the yearly, work, and life cycles. V: MENCEJ, Mirjam (ur.). Space and time in Europe : East and West, past and present, (Zbirka Zupaničeva knjižnica, št. 25). Ljubljana: Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, Filozofska fakulteta: = Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana 2008, 181-197.
2008 Metamorfoze ljudskega pripovedništva na Gorenjskem. Traditiones. - Inšt. slov. narodop. Ljublj., 2008, vol. 37, št. 2, str. 169-216.
2009 Slovenian charms between South Slavic and Central European tradition. V: Charms, charmers and charming (Palgrave historical studies in witchcraft and magic). Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, str. 145-162.
2009 Töpfe: Irdene und eherne T. V: Enzyklopädie des Märchens 13, 2. W. de Gruyter, Berlin; New York. Str. 767-770.
2010 Über die Entwicklung der Erzählforschung und der Erzähltradition im slowenischen Kulturraum. V: Märchen in den südslavischen Literaturen. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main. Str. 207-230.
2010 Valjavec, Matija Kračmanov. V: Enzyklopädie des Märchens 13, 2. W. de Gruyter, Berlin; New York. Stolp. 1315-1319.
2010 A treasury of Slovenian folklore : 101 folk tales from Slovenia. (ur.) Didakta, Radovljica.

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