Traditiones • 34/1 • 2005

Submitted by stanka on Mon, 27/12/2010 - 12:13.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2005340118        (PDF )
The reception of folk songs by children and young people in Slovenia
Tjaša Jakop
Namen prispevka je ugotoviti, v kakšni meri je ljudska pesem prisotna v življenju otrok in mladostnikov od osnovne prek srednje šole do fakultete. Raziskavo sem opravila s pomočjo pisne ankete na terenu in ugotovila, da mladi še vedno precej dobro poznajo tovrstno ljudsko blago, pa četudi v novi preobleki, tj. kot sodobne interpretacije in priredbe slovenskih glasbenikov.


The aim of this paper is to ascertain the extent to which folk songs are part of the lives of children and young people, from primary school through secondary school and on to university. The research was carried out with the help of written surveys. The article concludes that young people are still fairly well acquainted with this part of folk heritage, although their awareness is often due to modern interpretations and arrangements by Slovenian musicians.
Ključne besede
ljudska pesem, otroci in mladostniki, anketa


folk song, children and young people, survey
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