Submitted by stanka on Thu, 01/03/2007 - 09:19.

Jurij FIKFAK, Ph.D., Scientific advisor

Studied Slovenian language and literature and ethnology. Received his Master’s and doctor’s degree in ethnology at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. In 1982 he was employed at the Institute for Slovenian Ethnology. For some time he studied abroad, namely in 1985/86 as a DAAD scholar in Germany (in Munich and Tuebingen) and in a school year 1994/95 in the USA (Boston and Cambridge). He co-organized several international scientific councils and edited several books and other publications. He is co-editor in chief of journal Traditiones and editor of series Opera ethnologica Slovenica, and co-director of the course Intepretation und Verstehen at the Inter University Center Dubrovnik. He is a member of different international ethnological, sociological associations (SIEF, AFS, EASA, DGV, ISA, etc.) and a member of executive board of IASS-AIS (International Association for Semiotic Studies).

Most important fields of research are:
History, theory and methodology - especially questions of qualitative research; ritual practices;
village monographs; semiotics of culture.

Selected Publications:

1988 Jakob Volčič in njegovo delo (J. Fikfak - Ed.). Pazin, Ljubljana.

1993 Digital Image Processing in History: Towards Open Systems (J. Fikfak and G. Jaritz - Eds). St. Katharinen. Halbgraue Reihe zur Historischen Informatik.

1998 Teorija in praksa večpredstavnosti v etnologiji na konkretnih primerih. Traditiones 27: 219-238.

1999 Ljudstvo mora spoznati sebe. Podobe narodopisja v drugi polovici 19. stoletja. (Images of Ethnography in 19th century) Forma 7 in Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.

2003 O pustu, maskah in maskiranju. Razprave in gradiva (About Carnival, Masks and Masking) (Eds. J. Fikfak with cooperation of A. Gačnik, N. Križnar, H. Ložar Podlogar). Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.

2003 O Hacquetovih upodobitvah in opisih Drugega. Hacquetia 2/2: 37-48. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.
Qualitative Research: Emerging Trends - Different Perspectives (Ed.
with cooperation of F. Adama iand D. Garza). Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.
Text & Reality (Coed. with z J. Bernardom and P. Grzybekom). Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.

2006 Gregor Krek - 1840-1905 (Ed. J. Fikfak) Ljubljana 2006.

2007 Senses and Religion (Ed. J. Fikfak and G. Barna). Ljubljana

2008 Ethnographie in Serie : zu Produktion und Rezeption der "österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie in Wort und Bild", FIKFAK, Jurij and Reinhard JOHLER (Editors) - (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien, Band 28). Wien: Verlag des Instituts für Europäische Ethnologie.

2008 Ethnography and Matija Majar. In: Rogelj Škafar, Bojana (ur.). Razstava Slovani Evrope : (Musée de Cinquantanaire, Bruselj 2008), slovenski prispevek : (Musée de Cinquantenaire, Brussels 2008), the Slovene contribution : (Eeuwfeestmuseum, Brussel 2008), Â Sloveense bijdrage : (Musée de Cinquantenaire, Bruxelles 2008), contribution slovène. Loka pri Mengšu: Forum slovanskih kultur, 2008, 13-47.

2008 Biti direktor v času socializma. Med idejami in praksami (Ed. J. Fikfak and J. Prinčič). Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.

2008 Pogledi na ritualnost in ritualne prakse na Slovenskem. Traditiones  37, 2: 45-59.
2009 Postojna : upravno in gospodarsko središče =an administrative and economic center (ur.). Postojna : Galerija 2, Ljubljana : Inštitut za
novejšo zgodovino, 2009.
2009 Europe : imagination & practices (Uredila J. Fikfak in Maria Vivod). Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.
2009 Cultural and social representations on the border : from disagreement to coexistence. V: Human affairs, 19, 4: 350-362.
2009 Europe, imagination and practices : introduction I. Traditiones 38, 2: 7-19.
2009 Simboli in ritualne prakse spora in sožitja : nekateri italijansko-slovenski diskurzi. V: Studia ethnologica Croatica 21: 355-387.
2009 Pratiche rituali del carnevale in Slovenia : l'interazione tra ricercatore e testimoni della tradizione. V: Lares 75, 2: 287-307.

Tel. +386 (0)1 470 62 90
Faks: +386 (0)1 425 77 52

fikfak at zrc.sazu.si

SICRIS: http://sicris.izum.si/search/rsr.asp?lang=slv&id=5190