Submitted by stanka on Wed, 24/05/2006 - 10:01.

Stanka DRNOVŠEK, Specialist Consultant



Stanka Drnovšek was born on 24 December 1966 in Ljubljana. In 1993 she graduated in geography and ethnology from Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. Since autumn 1995 she has been working as a Humanities Fellow at the ISE.

She has taken part in the project "Multimedia Presentation of Velika Planina (Life, Work, and Culture of Shepherds, on CD)" and in research on costumes in Slovenia (the carnivals in Litija and Cerknica). She is head of the ISE Documentation Department.


Current projects: setting up a visual collection of cultural heritage and digital databases of the institute’s visual material. She is a post-graduate student in the protection of natural heritage program at Ljubljana's Biotechnical Faculty.

Research interests: natural and cultural heritage, electronic data collections, archiving, visual material, photo library, slide library, video library, multimedia, seasonal customs, carnivals.

Selected publications:
1996 V soavtorstvu s SENEGAČNIK, Jožico. Začetki slovenskega industrijalstva: Šumi. V: STANONIK, Marija (ur.). Besede in reči, (Traditiones, 25). Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti.
1998 Štiri tisočletja majevske civilizacije. V: BEVC-MALAJNER, Vera (ur.). Mehika in Kuba : zbornik referatov. Maribor: Zavod republike Slovenije za šolstvo. 
2003 Litijski karneval. V: FIKFAK, Jurij (ur.), GAČNIK, Aleš (ur.), KRIŽNAR, Naško (ur.), LOŽAR-PODLOGAR, Helena (ur.). O pustu, maskah in maskiranju : razprave in gradiva, (Opera ethnologica slovenica). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU: 271-278.
2003 Pust v Cerknici. V: FIKFAK, Jurij (ur.), GAČNIK, Aleš (ur.), KRIŽNAR, Naško (ur.), LOŽAR-PODLOGAR, Helena (ur.). O pustu, maskah in maskiranju : razprave in gradiva, (Opera ethnologica slovenica). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU: 289-296.

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