Traditiones • 34/1 • 2005

Submitted by stanka on Mon, 27/12/2010 - 12:11.

DOI: 10.3986/Traditio2005340116        (PDF )
Folk heritage and contemporaryre-production: A musical story for three minutes and twelve seconds
Boštjan Narat

V prispevku je reflektirana povezava med ljudsko in sodobno glasbeno izkušnjo, pri čemer pozornost ni usmerjena na ohranjanje tradicije v smislu arhiviranja, pač pa predvsem na (ne)možnost rekonstrukcije žive izkušnje. Le-ta postane mogoča takrat, ko je stik med preteklim (ljudskim) in sedanjim utemeljen v občutku za izvorno identiteto – ljudska in sodobna godba se nahajata v istem horizontu (razumevanja) glasbe –, kar ima za posledico večjo prilagodljivost v poustvarjalski praksi, ki je nujen pogoj za podoživetje pretekle glasbene situacije.


This paper deals with the relationship between the experience of folk and that of contemporary music. The author’s attention is devoted primarily to the possibility of reconstructing a live experience rather than sticking to a tradition in the sense of archiving. Such an experience becomes possible when the connection between past (folk music) and present is based on a feeling of original identity – folk and contemporary music exist in the same musical horizon – that results in a better adaptability of the re-creational praxis, which is the preliminary for re-experiencing the past musical situation.
Ključne besede
poustvarjanje, izkušnja, rekonstrukcija, ljudsko, umetno


re-creation, experience, reconstruction, folk, artistic
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